Pembakaran Nero 2024 Retakan + Unduh Gratis Kunci Lisensi

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Retak Pembakaran Nero

Pembakaran Nero 2024 Retakan biasa disebut Nero adalah program pembuatan pelat optik dari Nero AG. Produk ini penting untuk Nero Mixed Media Suite tetapi di sisi lain, dapat diakses sebagai item independen. Ini digunakan untuk menyalin dan menggandakan lingkaran optik, Misalnya, CD, DVD, dan sinar Blu. The program additionally upholds name printing advancements LightScribe and Labelflash and can be utilized to change sound records into other sound arrangements.


Nero Burning ROM is a play on words regarding Roman Sovereign Nero, who was most popular for his relationship in the Incomparable Fire of Rome. The head supposedly played while the city of Rome consumed. Juga, Rome in German is spelled Rom. The product’s logo includes a consuming Colosseum, albeit this is a time misplacement as it was not worked until after Nero’s demise.

Dimiliki oleh:

Established in 1995 by Richard Lesser, Nero is a product organization that works in computerized media to record executives. Nero items incorporate video and sound recording programming, photograph supervisors, reinforcement programming, document converters, and their well-known Cd copying programming, Nero Burning ROM.


Nero Consuming ROM is only accessible for Microsoft Windows. A Linux-viable form was accessible from 2005 ke 2012, Namun, it has since been discontinued. In fresher variants, media can be added to gatherings through the Nero MediaBrowser. Nero AirBurn, another element in Nero 2015, empowers clients to copy media directly from their versatile devices. The most recent variant is Nero Copying ROM 2017 delivered in October 2016 incorporating SecurDisc 4.0 with 256-digit encryption.

Bekerja dengan

Nero burning ROM works with various optical circle picture designs, including the crude uncompressed picture utilizing the ISO9660 standard and Nero’s exclusive NRG record design. Bergantung pada adaptasi, organisasi ekstra-gambar mungkin ditegakkan. Memanfaatkan organisasi non-lokal, Misalnya, FLAC tanpa kerugian, paket wav, dan Singkatan, modul program tambahan harus diperkenalkan. Modul ini juga disebut modul dan codec dan biasanya gratis, padahal Nero AG menjual beberapa modul video dan suara eksklusif.


Nero Burning ROM hanya dapat diakses untuk Microsoft Windows. A Linux-viable form was accessible from 2005 ke 2012, Namun, sejak itu telah ditangguhkan.

Digunakan untuk

Ini digunakan untuk menyalin dan menggandakan lingkaran optik, Misalnya, Album, DVD, dan sinar Blu. Program ini juga mendukung teknologi pencetakan tanda LightScribe dan Labelflash dan dapat digunakan untuk mengubah rekaman suara menjadi organisasi suara lainnya. Nero Consuming ROM bekerja dengan berbagai desain gambar lingkaran optik.

Retak Pembakaran Nero

Kunci Lisensi Pembakaran Nero:





Kunci Serial Pembakaran Nero:






Jadi, Nero Burning ROM is among the best circle-consuming applications accessible today. It’s a dependable piece of programming with Nero giving fantastic client service, and this application will deal with all your circle-consuming necessities.


It’s a dependable piece of programming with Nero giving magnificent client service, and this application will deal with all your circle-consuming requirements. Jadi, Nero Consuming ROM is accessible as a free download with a 15-day preliminary to evaluate this suite.

Apakah Nero Burning ROM gratis?

Nero Burning is paid programming with a free preliminary variant. You can get Nero consuming free download. The product is accessible at various costs, contingent on the adaptation you wish to select. The Nero Consuming ROM 2021 is accessible for $49.95, and you want to pay $39.95 to redesign your old rendition.


  • Nero Burning ROM offers everything from MP3 and MP3 Star to AAC, FLAC, and Chimpincluding tune titles and collection data. Because of coordinated Gracenote innovation, unique collection covers are incorporated into the sound record. So you can peruse your playlists advantageously and play your music totally at your recreation.
  • Jadi, Nero Burning Rom is equipped for getting your information files utilizing a secret phrase with qualities of 256-cycle encryption.
  • In the example of any issues with the product, the Nero group is consistently accessible to facilitate other than the accessibility of live direction incorporated into the product.
  • Program mesin fotokopi DVD ini menawarkan banyak elemen seperti diagram di segmen yang dihasilkan termasuk bantuan untuk hampir semua media pelat sebenarnya di luar sana.
  • Jadi, Nero DVD Copier memungkinkan Anda mencetak sampul lingkaran Anda tanpa perlu mencari program luar.


Varian awal dari Nero DVD Copier memiliki a 100 Batasan MB pada seberapa banyak informasi yang dapat Anda salin.

File Cermin

Tanggal Peninjauan
Item yang Ditinjau
Retak Pembakaran Nero
Peringkat Penulis
Nama Perangkat Lunak
Pembakaran Nero
Nama Perangkat Lunak
Windows + Mac

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